Rant Alert - Day 63

I'm fuming,

I'm frustrated.

I'm literally so f****ed off that nothing seems to be going well right now with B that I am eating my body weight in chorizo and drinking copious amounts of red wine - well what's left over from Christmas. Feel free to send in extra supplies!

As you may have read in previous posts that B has had issues with his saddle.

I have been well and truly stiffed I tell you.

Firstly he come with the wrong saddle when I purchased him - as in completely different to the saddle I tried him in with different girth and totally different oversized stirrups. Which I told the vendor and nothing was done about it.

Since I openly suffer from anxiety I am not one to confront others unless it's a desperate time. I shy away from conflict unless It's something I truly believe in.

My CBT therapist has suggested I try to be more assertive and that it is ok to say "No" and "this is not ok with me".

Well I wish I knew that before hand.

I didn't say any of those things to the vendor and just said I would have to get a saddler out to measure B and fit him with a new saddle - which I did.


So the second thing is that I now feel completely and utterly mugged off by the saddler who fitted this new saddle which was just shy of four figures I might add - a worthy investment I thought. But not something I thought would be faulty once I had taken out a loan to get it. Not everyone has that kind of cash lying around in a draw or behind the sofa now do they.

I digress.

The saddle seemed a better fit than the original however after three tries with tightening the girth several times the saddle kept slipping.

Good excuse to call out the saddler - whom I might add I was very distracted by not only did he look good but he smelt good too. Mind you anyone who has had a wash would smell good standing in B's stable!

He came out free of charge and listened to my concerns of the rear rising in trot, the slipping, the girth needing constant adjusting and B certainly hasn't lost any weight - that's another story a little later on.

So he re-flocked the front of the saddle (put a different type of stuffing into the from padded area of the seat), adjusted the stirrup straps and said to order a new girth (great another £40 to spend).

Excited when the new girth arrived J jumped on and I was so pleased he remembered how to ride - heels down back up looking round. He felt much more comfortable in the saddle than bareback after falling twice recently. Disclaimer no children or animals were hurt in the process of this post.

Well after walking round on both reins then trotting large (a lap of the arena) the same problem occurred! The saddle slipped. So tightening the girth for the 4th time - bearing in mind it was the new recommended girth - I praised J for his perseverance.

J so wants to learn and ride.

J wants his weekly lessons on B and to take him jumping.

Well that is yet to happen because once more the saddle slipped look:

Said saddle slippage!

Poor J trying to stay central as the saddle slips!

I'm so peeved!

Enough is enough!

I messaged said saddler:

Regarding the saddle I recently purchased I have changed the girth as advised yet it still sits too high in front but seems to be pinching at the shoulders. The seat is still unstable ad still rising up and when my son rode him this evening it slipped again and looks like it has too far to mould to his shape. Therefore I don't think this saddle is fit for purpose.

I had the help and encouragement of two friends at the yard as I was terrified to send this.

Alas I am arranging taking the saddle back and receiving a full refund - minus the call out charge.

So now I am back to square one with no flipping saddle.

Can you sense my frustration?

Anyway while we were trying a few different saddles from the yard on B one friend noticed he had a swollen knee!

Kill me now!

My nerves were almost shot! I just wanted to go home and hide under a duvet.

J didn't help matters by getting upset and thinking that we were going to have to shoot B. Then, exasperated, he asked "why do bad things always happen to us? It's only us" he said "It never goes right".

A tad dramatic but at that time I had to agree with him.

Having played around we found it wasn't warm (a sign of a problem in horses) it was gristly so that indicated old scar tissue and while it was uncomfortable for B to have his hoof picked up it wasn't causing him pain or lameness!

Checking the 5 stage vetting I had when I purchased him it was mentioned on there however stated that there was no clinical issues caused by it. So no idea why it flared up and swelled!

Any suggestions?

The third thing which ticked me off was that my very expensive @MastaRugs turn out rug which is less than a month old with limited winter turn out, was literally hanging on by a thread!!! I mean come on guys. The sewing came away completely. It is covered by a protective flap so wasn't the ponies fault.

I'm disgusted, frustrated and when I tweeted them I had no reply!

Great customer service!

As I pulled back the Velcro flap look what came away from the stitching!

Literally hanging on by a thread!

After all that I have yet to hear back from the vet regarding the diarrhoea situation which I have contacted them asking for the results of the blood tests. He still leaks and has watery (poo) discharge from his anus which drips all down his legs and tail. It's a mess. It has even dripped into his water bucket.

Last night a friend suggested it could be the kernels from the straw which horses find difficult to digest causing his gut issues. Well I would like to discuss this with he vet but we tested this theory on B there and then.

I got some straw and shook out the kernels which he not only munched quickly he then ate the rest of the straw which was shaken on top of his bedding.

Now I always spray his straw with a disinfectant spray so that he wont eat it - knowing what a bit foodie he is. But I don't think he cares.

I fear I have to go onto shavings which I am terrified is going to cost me an arm and a leg and until I know for certain what the vet says I don't know if I should wait!


What would you do?



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