Huzzah!!! - Day 53

Today was a ground-breaking day on so many levels.

My beautiful and brave little pony who has been stubborn and sometimes mean allowed me, no he trusted me, to pick all 4 feet and let me pick out his feet.


We have lift off.

I cannot believe that after all this time B has only just let me do this without a fuss. He didn't try to bite my bottom (like usual), he didn't try to kick me (like usual), he didn't weave (like usual).

He stood still.

He munched his hay as he stood still.

I reassured him.

I rewarded him.

I was overwhelmed I nearly cried.

I nearly cried when I noticed warmth in B's hoof.

I also noticed that B had a little white flaking around his frog  on the same foot- a sign of many things.

A sign that we haven't cleaned his feet well enough and often enough (which we will from now on).

A sign that the frog of his foot is too moist from the mud in the field and the dark damp conditions which could be an indication of thrush.

Boston bravely let me pick his feet once again after being ridden, more on that in a moment, this time it was without a head-collar or being tied up.

This time he allowed me to hold his feet and spray iodine on the flaky soul.

Hopefully we have caught it in time and he wont go lame or get laminitis etc.

Hopefully it is a positive sign of things to come that B is really beginning to trust us.

J enjoyed his time with B just as much as I did this evening as he had several mini achievements also.

his first achievement was being able to mount B using the mounting block which B has often shown distain and distress when next to or nearby.

Secondly J rode B straight into the sand arena which is usually used for a turn out arena while owners muck out their horses.

The third was J walking B over and trotting over trot poles in said sand arena and then working on stopping and starting in a box pole square. All while riding bareback - praying the saddler fixes the saddle situation on Friday.

J rewarding B for standing in position for 5 seconds by patting him on the neck.

So while we are making small steps we have a very long way to go. But you know something? We are blooming loving the journey so far :-)



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