Good News! - Day 65

Finally a week we have been waiting for.

The vet told us the great news that there were no abnormalities in Bostons blood test results.


However his symptoms have still been raising their ugly head.


My very knowledgeable friend (aka the guru) at the yard suggested that B could be eating the kernels in his straw bedding which would be difficult to digest and therefore causing him to purge - hence the watery and consistent diarrhoea.

We decided to test this theory (luckily before the vet called) and low and behold B shoved his schnoz into that straw and was totally high and loving life as he munched his way through it.

I asked the vet if this could be a cause for the reaction and he agreed it may be likely but not necessarily linked. I asked about changing his bedding to shavings - which I have ever wanted to do for several reasons. 1 - the expense, 2 - I've not had much experience mucking out shavings and the ones I have been like sawdust which I disliked, 3 - the cost and having to go to purchase or order in.

Alas the vet agreed it would be worth a try.

If we can solve this then all we have to worry about is the saddle - if you don't know about that yet please read my rant HERE.

It was also advised that I reduce the intake of hay by a 3rd and replace with a cut fibre supplement to aid the soaking up of water.

There wasn't a particular brand suggested so I went to my local tack shop open to suggestions and advice - plus a little help from google.

What with everyone hyping about the cold front due to hit the south east I decided it best to stock up on both the fibre and shavings bales plus when laying a new bed I was told it would take 3 - 4 bales initially.

Armed with Twitter for company I asked twitterville how many bales would fit in my car?

The answer was.....

6 bales/bags of shavings fit in my little run-around.

However I couldn't fit the feed in as well so would have to make a return journey for those.

I chose MEGASpread and BedSoft for two reasons.

The first reason for MEGASpread is that several people have recommended it as being a really reliable bedding for their equines. When I tested it at the tack shop I was surprised at how light, fluffy and dare I say it soft it felt. Even lifting a bale seemed light and I wasn't straining. It didn't have that 'woody' smell and I know from the people who have used it at the yard it traps any unwanted horsey odours and absorbs quickly and effectively. I cannot wait to try it out.

The second reason for the BedSoft was that B's next door stable uses it and she only tops up one bale per week. Again she highly recommended it to me and I found it to be almost £2 cheaper. It never smells and always seems to be absorbent.

Hey as a single mum I can't afford luxury ALL the time no matter how much I love B. I even cut my own hair for goodness sake!

I decided that as the BedSoft was actually a little rougher to touch - not drastically or uncomfortably but I did notice a difference - that I would mix the two brands together.

I'm glad I did as it only took two bags to lay the new bed for B and he seems to like it so far.

What do you think? Nice and big right?

Even one of the yard cats seemed to like it :-)

You can follow MEGASpread on Twitter or click HERE to go to their website for more information.

BedSoft are on Facebook and they also have a colourful website for more information. Click HERE to see their latest products and offers.

So hopefully that will be the end of Bs gut issues.

The vet did suggest that if this fails or there are reoccurring problems in the future then we may have to look into an invasive treatment called a faecal transfer.

Well I have never heard of this before but I don't like the way it sounds.

When I asked what the procedure would involve the vet told me politely but in laymen terms they would take the faeces of a healthy horse dilute the good bacteria out of it and after a series of tests on B's gut transfer the good bacteria into his gut and hope they multiply with his body to then create its own healthy bacteria's and therefore healthy poo!

Please keep your fingers and toes crossed that we don't have to do that!



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