As luck would have it - Day 151

Social media can be a blessing and a curse. I have found it to be my go to place for advice when it comes to anything equine. Though like in the outside world away from technology I have to sift through some of the reasonable responses to the most unreasonable.

My recent request for advice came after our yard owner issued a five day grass field turn out notice that came with stern instructions that all horses and ponies must be kept in at the weekends (unless out for a hack or using the school etc). Also that no horses and ponies are to be left out over night without having sought permission beforehand.

I fear B may had something to do with this notice though I know he was not in alone. You see while I was away over Easter and then unwell a friend was helping care for him and struggled to get him in after turning him out for a couple of hours on a weekend - this had been allowed prior to said notice due to B's colitis and diarrhoea problem.

Alas she had to leave him out in the field and tried again the next day. My poor friend messaged me as I was travelling home sick to my stomach saying that she again couldn't catch the little blighter.

I now that feeling all to well.

B is notoriously hard to catch and with the three fields open all the time he is like Houdini and hard to find (I thought fields had to be rotated to preserve the grass? Is that just a myth? I'm still new to all this).

I took it upon myself to find out a way to encourage B to come in so I asked my friends on Twitter. Some of their suggestions were great and I will definitely be trying a few out. I particularly liked one idea of fencing off a smaller grazing area etc which I would have to try at my small holding when I win the lottery ;-)

With the help of said friend and feeling rather washed out I decided to film the problems we were having with B.

Initially I set off to catch him in our usual manner....

As luck would have it he was in the first field!

Not complaining I decided to call to him as I usually do to no response....

As luck would have it the little blighter must have known the camera was on him for he casually cantered past - totally ignoring us and heading straight for the runway towards the gate!

Giving him some love - yes too much I know but we had missed him - I popped his head collar on and took him to his stable.

Usually he would canter past us and away if at all. I would often have to walk down to meet him where I wouldn't be greeted calmly he would pin his ears back and run away like a little game.

What would you do then?

Maybe I should go way for three days more often as it seemed to do the trick this time!

If you have any words of wisdom about how to bring in a stubborn horse from the field please feel free to comment below or leave a link to your video.

Until next time enjoy this little parody which sums up every other day than today;



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