Goodbye January - Day 69

So that was January!

Where did it go?

The days have all rolled into one and not in a groundhog day sort of way but just with the speed at which they came and went.

I worked so much this month which I loved.

I spent everyday with Boston and despite his tummy issues and saddle problems I loved.

I saw J canter on Boston for the first time.

I saw J jump straight pole (or upright pole) where the jump pole goes straight across from one jump wing to the other. He did this in trot but was ecstatic with Boston's performance.

Now that it was riding is all about.

However it's not all been fun.

J has had several struggles and next month we are having some interventional help from childrens psychologists in schools to help him with his learning difficulties.

I am so fortunate that everyone understands his needs and supports him at the yard, school and within the family. He is trying so hard and making such great progress yet little things he finds so terribly difficult and he feels different because of it.

We found out that my great aunt doesn't have very long to live and that my mother has been struggling to keep visiting her and essentially keeping her alive.

B escaped (again) and ate a lot of feed at the yard which had me worried but he was fine - just fat!

We had lots of rain and that meant lots of flooding in my new shiny shed which left me a little miffed can you tell?

Luckily work has already started by some amazing, enthusiastic and generous stable mates who have already begun clearing the guttering and getting the diggers in to drain the water away.

I think my favourite memory of January is when J managed to get his foot stuck in his welly/riding boot. Seriously it took 2 adults and 2 children laughing and filming us to help get the boot off.

Can anyone suggest an affordable boot for an ever growing man child - he is only 9 and is almost size 8-UK? Seriously not only do I struggle with boys riding wear but I also struggle to find him comfortable shoes/boots which he can put on himself due to comfort and his dyspraxia.

What was your favourite memory of January 2019?

I will leave you now with one last video of said foot getting stuck. Enjoy.



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