Successful New Years Resolutions - Day 38

The lull between Christmas and New Year has turned into hyper about late night parties and celebrations to say goodbye to old and to welcome the new.

This New Years Eve J and I will be celebrating by spending time with B, baking unicorn cakes, and eating nibbles while watching the fireworks on TV (J doesn't like crowds and fireworks out in the open).

Resolutions have been voiced and impossible goals set undoubtedly to be unreached.

New Year resolutions should be all about doing good unto others and  finding your happy.

I saw this meme on Facebook which summed up how I am going to look at going into 2019:


How do you define success?

Becoming the head of a work position? Jumping the highest jump at the stables? Having a grand prix pony/horse?  Being married and having 2.4 children? Having the shiniest car? Attending the best premiers, restaurants and bars? Having the most followers on Instagram? (speaking of which feel free to follow our adventures on Instagram: @k.j.b.pony.adventures)

I define success as something I learnt in CBT (cognitive Behavioural Therapy for my anxiety). Instead of fretting about reaching goals and achievements (no matter how big or small) one should enjoy the journey.

For example imagine two children in the back of a car.

Child A is forever asking "are we there yet?"
Child B is soaking in the surroundings, playing eye spy, telling stories about the attractions they pass.

Child A is how I viewed my life.

Anxious about the end result.

Looking for a husband - not enjoying spending time with someone for just that. Always searching for the end result.

Beating myself up when I didn't achieve the goals I set.

Instead I would like to be more like Child B.

Setting myself life morals (similar to goals) and enjoying the journey it takes to get there.

So for my successful 2019 in regards to J and B I would like to set small steps to success - like my learning ladders I set the children at school.

For example.

My learning outcome with B would be:

To ride unaided on a hack through the bridleway.

To enjoy the journey to get to that we would have to take smaller steps to enjoy the journey such as:

1. Help B feel at ease with his feet being picked out

2. Ride B 4 times a week with and without instruction

3. J to be able to ride bareback in a safe environment to help with balance

4. J and B to have a good bond, on the ground and under saddle

Of course the teacher within me can see that under each of those headings would have just as many sub divisions too.

Take number 1:

1. Help B feel at ease with his feet being picked out

a) run hands down each leg without picking up feet in and out of stable without B flinching

b) picking up front feet and holding without B pulling away and kicking out

c) picking up back feet and holding without B swaying and kicking

d) picking up one side and B trusting us to pick it out

e) repeating for the opposite side

f) B feeling comfortable and safe in allowing us to clean away any dry mud from his feathers and hooves

g) B feeling comfortable and safe in allowing us to put hoof oil on his hooves

So you can see each small sub division to be will be marked as a success.

A triumph.

I am ready and looking forward to the journey.

Where will your journey take you in 2019?




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