Question Time - Day 23

I've never been one of those people who is shy in coming forward when asking questions. Especially when it's something important and close to my heart even if inside I tremble with fear of being a failure and being laughed at.

However up front I am with queries about B I feel a bit of a fraud that I am not 'good enough' to have him.

I known in my heart of hearts I'm more like the horse Whispere (not talent wise but in being gentle, stuying the horses behaviour, adjusting my body language to fit the horse etc.) Whereas I find I am being told to show B I am the dominant leader. I need to be bossy with him. I have to discipline him if he is being rude - so often I hear of horses being rude and not having manners.

I've been advised to pinch Boston if he goes to nip us. That I should push his head away if he pushes his head into us nudging us almost off balance. It's been said that I should smack him if he is 'naughty.

In the wild horses show dominance and leadership by controlling the movement of their peers in the herd. They will charge towards another, some will lead from behind pushing the other horse(s) out. A herd can be as small as two horses so there will always be one dominant horse among them.

I read this interesting article on understanding herd dynamics from The which talked about the positive equine behaviours towards one another licking and mutual grooming, to the negatives nipping/biting and noises horses can make towards one another. Even how horses will stand guard over limited resources to prevent another from reaching it.

My main concerns currently are Boston's bad habits such as:
  • running to corner then turning back on me
  • turning back in stable
  • refusing bridle
  • charging me in free achool or lunge rearing (one off or new bad habit)
  • issues with feet being picked up
  • not standing still during grooming/rugging/attempting to put bridle on (ok with headcollar)
  • pawing the ground (a sign of frustration)

From that list alone it is clear B is trying to dominate over me. I am not giving up. I will not give in.
Is natural horsemanship the way to go? Is Monty Roberts worth the money on the tin?

The best training I have tried and tested was from a video on Horse and Country TV called Annemarie can der Toorn: Listening to Horses

Teaching B to stop suddenly. To back up and not barge out of his stable.

I didn't need to shout at him to do any of this. It all made sense to me and more importantly it made sense to Boston.

I cannot help but wonder what I should do? Who I should turn to and trust for advice which will have the small success that I found from watching these videos.

It's not all bad and I don't feel in complete and utter despair, I just don't want to do him, J or myself a disservice. But just look at those faces...



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