Renamed Houdini - Day 11

Today my heart literally broke today for a couple of minutes my heart pounded so hard in chest I could hardly breath. My eyes were fixed and my body numb as we neared the yard after picking J up from school.

The owner of the stables called to see where we were as Boston and a pony friend of his had escaped from the field where the rest of the herd remained.

My first thought was that the road we were travelling on may have two ponies lose on it so I had better slow down but my gut told me to speed up to get to him further along the road from the stables.

I wasn't sure what was best for me to do.

I had J in the car and trying to keep him calm as his pride and joy had gone wondering off.

In a blur we made it to where the owner was standing with Boston (I had other names for him in mind at that time!). Boston was calm and seemed rather pleased with himself to be honest. I was just relieved to know he wasn't hurt.

I followed them all slowly in the car and tucked him safely in his stable as soon as we got back!

Then the tears flowed.

I had flashbacks to when my mum used to shout at me when I had wondered off as a child and she had been worried where I was but instead of holding me tight she shouted at me. I finally understood as an adult all these years later that it was out of love and fear that she shouted out in exasperated relief that everyone was safe and sound.

I felt the same now.

There were some theories as to how the two rascals escaped the field one being that an electrical company had left the gate open another that they jumped but knowing how lazy and overweight Boston was I wasn't betting on that idea. Who knows. I am just glad he is safe and sound and microchipped.

I wonder if they have a tracking device n head collars that I could purchase - I fear this may not be a one off occurrence from the newly nicknamed Houdini!



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