Moving stables - Day 24

Sadly a friend left the yard today to be closer to her home. A friend I shared our shed with and who I went to for advice and a general yarn about life in general. While I wish them well on their new adventure I am sorry to see them leave.

As there is a new stable free that means that there will be a new arrival coming to the yard.

Since the stable Boston is currently in is bigger than the now vacant stable my friend has left the new arrival will be needing to move into that. We knew this stable was a temporary one so we are now moving into our friends old stable which even she admits is a little dusty.

So like all expecting mothers it's time to get my rubber gloves on and start preparing the nest for my baby.

Speaking of rubber as the weather is now staring to turn colder I have invested in some rubber matting. Purchased from ebay sellar deltamart_0 at a reasonable price this rubber matting will help take the chill from the concrete floor away from Bostons limbs when lying down and even when standing. It will reduce the amount of bedding I have been using to insulate the floor and generally make him more comfortable.

Did you see the debate on facebook about the use of bedding walls being of no affect to the horses and can hinder a horse when they cast?

Cast:  the state of an animal laying down that is unable to get up. May be due to illness or injury. Also occurs when a horse in a box stall (loose box) rolls over against a wall, trapping its legs against the wall.[53]

Here are a few pictures I have taken of the whole process.



Some before pictures of the stable we were to move into - Gasp!

I am one of these who feels the need to sweep away the cobwebs and start afresh if you know what I mean?!

Wearing a glove I took down the sticky roll of dead flies. I'm sure they will come in handy in the summer but for right now they are only suitable for one place - The Bin!!!

I even had J cleaning these windows with babywipes so that some daylight could shine through!

With a now very blunt pair of scissors I managed to cut down every old piece of string that has been tied up. All bar that one in the ceiling - I did dust around it thought!

Nothing like a good sweep and a bit of disinfectant to make everything seem as fresh as a daisy/hospital ward!

New rubber matting - blooming heavy to manoeuvre!

My partially made bed - even though there is rubber matting I still like a good deep bed (this may change in days to come).

B seems to approve and appeared settled and happy in his new digs - still don't think he has the Christmas spirit yet ;-)


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