Dry Grass - Day 25

Every parents fear is when your child does something wrong and especially when they do something wrong to another child.

It is exactly the same for a horsey parent.

Today we found out B was that naughty child.

I knew he had that mischievous look in his eye!

The cheeky little so and so was out in the field with who I thought was his friend and unfortunately he has bitten his friends neck. So much so that it drew blood.

Now I understand horses nip and its their natural defence/playful rights of the herd etc. But it's still not nice to hear your horse has hurt another.

I cannot put my finger on why he would do it.

We all wracked our brains (as it happened the same time last week - we just didn't know it was B at that point).

It seems to happen on a Tuesday when they're turned out.

We figured it must be the lack of turn out on a weekend, despite best efforts to keep horses active and exercised at the weekend.

B was lacking in something.

Turn out freedom?



A very knowledgeable source at the yard joined the conversation and suggested we try a dry grass supplement such as:

His lack of grass could have an effect on his gut which may need the macrobiotics within it to keep a healthy natural balance.

So this could explain the nipping.

Have you ever experienced a nipping horse? How did you figure out the cause? or rectify the issue?



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