Poo Patrol - Day 28

The last few days I have been on Poo Patrol!

Yes you read that right.

I have literally been look at B's Poo to ensure it is of the correct consistency.

Not too hard and not too runny.

Recently it has been the latter.

We have noticed that of a weekend B's stable is considerably sloppy. It's messier than usual even when turned out in the sand arena and we are working with him.

As it transpires after a bit of detective work B has been biting another pony.

Mortified we realised that he only does it on a Tuesday.

Thinking that this could be due to a reduced turnout the owner has said he can go out more often.

An esteemed member of the yard suggested trying grass pellets to help with the sloppy state of his stable and to help with his mood (to knock the biting on the head - even though he is being a horse).

It seems to be one thing after another.

We now have this amazing (and expensive new saddle by Kent and Masters) and yet we haven't been able to ride him properly.

My anxiety (aka nerves) are beginning to get the better of me.

I am terrified he is going to buck me off. I am sure B doesn't like me - after all I do for him!

a friends daughter who has been to jockey school (yes that's actually a thing) has agreed to help us. She came by today and jumped on B and felt his paces. J then jumped on and has never looked better. He suited B and B suited him. My friend was visiting for pre-Christmas drinks and nibbles and was blown away by how confident J looked on B.

I learnt a new word today: napping

Napping is when your horse is reluctant or refuses to move in the direction you want to go.

B would nap towards the gate and J was fantastic in that he stayed on for one thing. For another he managed to steer B away from the gate and on the 7th try he got B trotting past the corner without allowing him to nap away.

I was so proud.

This was J's firs proper ride on B and was like looking into the future of the team they were/are going to become.

How do you prevent a horse from napping?



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