When enough is enough - Day 87

Since last Monday's lesson J has had the most emotional week with B.

I thought they were bonding?

I thought B and I were bonding?

Tonight I thought B was going to seriously injure himself and my son and I have never been so frozen in fear before as I was at that moment.

J was excited for his lesson with the instructor I call his competition coach.

He was so keen to show her how well B had improved again and make him sweat once more.

Everyday J has been riding him - not flat out and not for extensive periods. Always with a walking warm up and directional changes to get both listening and active.

B has continued with his napping to the corners, in particular the gate, resulting in J ending up in tears.

Several bystanders have given their advice which I do appreciate but everything is conflicting and everything is overwhelming especially since I am feeling delicate regarding my anxiety at present.

I am not one to drink alcohol with every meal or even every week.

This evening however I am.

I have even bought a cake and eaten a box of chocolates too.

We listened to one friend and borrowed their Balance Reins which we decided to try before we buy as they are quite pricey - especially since we have spent an arm and a leg on this pony already.

I noticed a difference in that B continued to try to lower his head however J wasn't able to be pulled out of his seat as much and didn't land on his neck like he usually does.



B had other ideas.

Since he was unable to lower his head his napping became worse and it appeared like he was deliberately ramming J's leg into the fence posts.

J was hysterical with pain as B almost broke his leg on several occasions.

I tried to remain calm and encourage J to continue and remember the squeeze of toothpaste, outside leg and inside rein, and diamond opening the hands to allow B to go forward.

J was determined and strong despite the tears he stayed on and just shouted at me (which I am used to with his additional need outbursts).

B started rearing and bucking.

What an amazingly clever pony.

What an even more amazing little rider for sitting to him and staying on!

This evening something even more serious happened.

After seeing B break through one piece of fencing - literally taking the fence post down - he later barged through another fence post with J on him.

As B's right leg fell through from the rubber arena down into the sand arena J sat back and held on until B lost his footing completely and rolled.

With his right leg dropped down into the sand arena his left leg buckled underneath him lowering his front half to ground.

J silently fell onto his left arm, clicking his neck as he hurt his left leg landing on the ground.

He froze in fear.

All I could see was B struggling to get up - fearing the wood was slicing through his muscles on his right leg as pushed against the sand and against the splintered wood. J lay motionless.

I could hear the screams of his instructor telling him to move incase B rolled completely over onto him.

I froze.

It was a blur.

J scrambled to the side.

I lingered in the middle murmurs of 'are you sure you're ok J?' as he passed.

We, two adults, struggled to get B up and I hovered as the instructor took hold of him.

I didn't know what to do.

The instructor walked and trotted B.

'Is he ok?' I asked breathlessly as I walked to J who clung to his own sore arm and neck.

As quickly as it happened it was over.

B wasn't seriously hurt.

J wasn't seriously hurt.

I thanked God as the blood rushed to my head and the tears rushed to my eyes.

We called it a day.

We discussed at length what to do and decided to call the seller who didn't answer her phone.

My son is now being put in danger and everyone who has seen him ride agrees his a great little rider with lots of potential.

Its not all him.

We don't want to give up on B.

We don't want to get hurt.

I don't want to have to keep paying for fences which B has barged down.

I don't know what I will say when I hear back from the seller but when is enough really enough?



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