Happy Hackers - Day 79

After a stressful few days it was time J and B had a bit of fun so with us grown ups walking on foot some of the children mounted their steeds and headed out into the woods for J's first hack on Boston. J has only been on three hacks so not really used to controlling the horses out and about and being prepared for any events.

The first time was when we were in Ireland almost two years ago when he first rode a horse. We went on a beach hack which was breathtaking and inspired him to pursue riding.

The second time was the week before he started riding lessons locally and we went on a hack in the same woods with my then boyfriend. The third was a half hour lesson in the school and then a half hour hack out into the woods.

This hack was J's first real hack out and I couldn't be prouder. He started off with his friend holding the lead rope and the adults helped them all across the busy road.

What was supposed to be a quick half an hour walk turned into a lovely long walk around the entire woods. J came off the lead rope and asked if he could try trotting him which I said he could try whatever he felt comfortable with.

He did really well and I am so proud of him. I am glad we were all together and J had his peers to inspire and encourage him and I hope he can make it a weekly day out. Providing the weather is ok etc.

I think Boston really enjoyed the hack too. He seemed alert but responsive and I believe that the boys are really forming a strong bond. I am so relieved and cannot wait to see what the future has to hold for them both. I feel I will soon have to invest in some form of transport to take them both our and about ;-) Know of any competitions I can enter?

How often do you hack out?



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