Stars and squeezes - Day 80

Hi all, How has the past few days been treating you?

So I have had the most amazing week since the devastating day where I was told of the passing of a family member and then told I should seriously consider selling our beloved pony.

Distraught at the prospect that I may be really messing up with being a pony owner and pony owner mum I enlisted the help of an amazing instructor who I may have mentioned  previously as my guru.

As a very experienced rider, trainer and lecturer she has been amazing at teaching J at his level and using instructional language that he understands. For instance when she asks him to open the reins to allow Boston to go forward, thus preventing him from putting his head down and J tipping forward,  J calls it a Diamond because of the shape it makes. Instead of pony club kicks the guru says squeeze the toothpaste so therefore encouraging him to use his lower legs to press against the girth instead of swinging his legs back and forth with little impact. He is working on so hard o this and even practising at home on his stability ball. Here he is watching Free Rein on Netflix before school - cheesey but great fun.

We soon realised that when J tries to squeeze with his legs he pulls the reins at the same time. This could be contributing to why B puts his head down. It could be his way of saying "you're telling me two signals squeeze to go but pull back to stop". So that needs attention. Is there anything you can suggest? I was thinking of taking the stirrups away and putting something between J's calves and B to practise keeping his leg on without having to use big kicks.

Since the lesson last week I explained how important it is to J that we work consistently and thoroughly with B otherwise we stand a chance of losing him. He understood this and said he didn't want to sell him either. J was so keen he even began mucking out without me having to ask him. He also started learning how to lunge with our next door stable neighbour who can no longer ride her horse so has been happily helping us with B. I think she secretly enjoys snuggling the furry friend ;-) He is a cutie after all.

Having heard exceptional things about the instructor from last week I wanted to give her another try. She is honestly great for pushing J forward and will be able to encourage him for competition. I still don't think she knows how to 'speak J's language' but I am really proud of J for his ability to adapt to the different teaching styles. 

B worked up such a sweat with her coaching him and J was secretly talking to him all the way round apparently saying "come on Boston we can do this". At the end of the lesson he asked the coach "Did we improve from last week?" she replied confidently "yes J, 100%".  He wanted to prove her wrong that we don't need to sell B and that we can achieve anything.

I am so proud of him words cannot express his sheer determination and how amazing he looked on Boston.

I had to walk away as I found the lesson a little too intense to watch so I had friends overlooking the arena to ensure B and J were safe and happy.

Due to B sweating so much now he is in work again I have decided we have to clip him on Friday. It's quite late in the season to do this as it could affect his summer coat.  I have never clipped a horse before so this could be eventful. J really wants to clip some stars into his butt like a cutie mark like the My Little Pony ponies.

Any tips on clipping?



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