Vet Check #100 - Day 90

You may have heard that there has been an outbreak of Equine Flu recently? If not you can read it online here.

I had B's equine jabs updated which unfortunately meant that we had to start his round all over again as it was too long since his last set of jabs.

The vet booked in his second set of jabs for four weeks time to make sure he is all up to date and safe.

While there the vet checked his saddle and bridle and said they fit well and that he isn't having any pain or discomfort because of these. By the way we have recently changed vets as I wanted a second opinion after everything we have gone through. This new vet is so caring and understanding and reassuring she is now helping us get to the bottom of Boston's change in behaviour and ensures us that if there is a medical issue we will find it.

Alas the only thing which could cause him discomfort is his girth and blister pockets. I have never heard of these but apparently it is where the girth rubs against the barrel and causes blisters - like when we wear new shoes for the first time. Luckily I already have a girth sock to cover the girth to prevent this which is what the vet suggested we do anyway.

As I explained all of Boston's bad behaviours lately (the bucking, rearing, barging through fences and putting his head down) the vet decided to check his teeth. B needed a slight sedation for this as he was rather stressed at having to have his mouth prized open for investigation.

All in all his teeth are in great condition with the inside of the teeth being a little sharp which could have been rubbing on his tongue and what appears to be a new canine coming through on the upper right side of his gum. This isn't affected by the bit as we checked this very closely something the previous vet hadn't considered.

I was fascinated as the vet and her trainee assistant began working on his teeth. I have never been up close when horses at the yard have had their teeth checked and it was amazing to put my hand inside Boston's incredibly strong and powerful mouth and feel his teeth.

I managed to capture some pictures and videos - with the vets permission - of the process.

I hope you find it as fascinating as I did:



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