Cutie Mark - Day 84

Today I took the plunge and dabbled in a bit of clipping.

I have never clipped before and did my research about the best clip which suit Boston.

When we first got him he came to us fully clipped (including having his mane and forelock hogged - which is now growing thankfully - having a son a girl needs a mane to plait and make pretty lol).
Image result for horse clips uk
Picture courtesy of Google
I debated whether to go for a blanket clip or chaser as advised by my guru friend as Boston tends to sweat on his chest and sides.

It is recommended not to clip long after January for it can affect the horses summer coat. I ummed and ahhed about clipping so late but as Boston will be working harder he will be benefit more from it.

While talking on Twitter (My account is: @KjbPony) I came across the best horse clipped pattern which made me think about doing something similar with B.

It would look a little like this:

Related image
Image courtesy of Google
Not sure if I am brave enough to attempt a pattern just yet truth be told.

J was watching the My Little Pony movie we got to talking about cutie marks. J said if he were a pony he would like a horseshoe and a pawprint as horses are his favourite and he loves all animals. He now wants to be an animal rescuer when he grows up.

My Little Pony G4 logo.svgImage result for my little pony cutie mark

This is B before his haircut with a chalk outline of a blanket clip;

Thanks to an amazing, kind and friendly horse owner at the yard I was advised how and where to start and took a few pics of my prpgress;

Making the first cut - so to speak!

I seem much happier than B!

One side partially completed. Looking sharp B boy!

Ta-Da! Shiny pony ;-)

So what do you think of my efforts?

Here are some clips of our clipping - pun totally intended 😂😂😂

Ok so it's not perfect by all means but here is the end result - I will be tidying up the straggly bits and his legs using equestrian scissors and clipping again next week when he has had time to settle.

Overall I think it will be effective and was extremely proud of how well B stood and J for giving it a go.

J doesn't like the clip!

He said it feels tickly.

He likes B to be hairy and calls him his fur baby.

Which do you prefer?


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