Inoculations, Farrier and fun on - Day 3

Day three of owning our own pony and I couldn't be prouder of my little fur baby. Let me tell you how the day started.

As I openly suffer from anxiety this morning I woke up not to so similar to many mornings. Shaking on the inside for no apparent reason. Dreading going outside and fearing staying inside. Why? Goodness knows. It's a feeling I try to ignore and distract myself from so I don't have to think about it. Yet that's all I seem to do is think about it.

I took J to school with my barely brushed hair and no makeup and prayed no one would talk to me as I yawned my way onto the playground. Even J was snuggling up to be for a while until he saw a friend or two and began talking about 'his horse' Boston. By all accounts he didn't stop talking about him all day as J appeared distracted in class.


Having dropped J at school I headed home to sit down to enjoy a nice cup of tea and relax when I get a phone call from the friendly vet at the RVC who did the 5 stage vet check on Boston before we purchased him. He asked if I wanted to go ahead with starting the set of inoculations as Boston's jabs had run out some time ago.

I sped up to the yard and met him within the hour and Boston was an angel. I was so surprised as he had been a bit head nudgy and pushy the last few days. The vet even said Boston didn't take kindly to having his blood taken during the vetting.

Boston was brilliant.

What was even more brilliant was that after saying goodbye to him I bumped into the local farrier - quite literally. Luckily he as available to fit Boston in for a quick feet trim (he isn't shod so doesn't need shoes and I intend to keep it that as long as possible as long as we don't do a lot of road work). His feet look lovely and rounded now and should hopefully help improve his balance.

It has been a great day. Especially after waking up feeling wobbly. Anxiety can do that to you.

The farrier is booked in just after new year to trim his toes again and around the same time for the next set of jabs.

Loving life as a pony owner right now.



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