Bringing Boston Home - Day 0

Remember that feeling as a child on the eve before Christmas where you can't sleep for the excitement and nerves of the surprises that await you in the morning? That's exactly how I felt the night before last, however this surprise wasn't for me. This surprise was for my 9 year old son aka J. I had kept my lips firmly shut for the past two weeks as I had to pretend that I hadn't found the perfect little pony for him and that he wasn't finally getting his dreams answered.

That's in fact exactly what I had done.

We thought we weren't having much luck looking for the 'right' horse for us. I had my heart set on finding a horse big enough to carry my height (*coughs* and weight *coughs*) that is forward going enough to have progressive potential, old enough to know what its doing and young enough to have many years of fun but safe enough for both a 9 year old and an almost 35 year old.

Not that I want too much or anything!

When I came across the advert for Boston there was something in his eyes that called out to me. He was shorter than I had wanted, younger than I had been looking for, and a little more than I had budgeted for. When I went to see him, slightly disheartened from a disappointing earlier viewing, I hadn't planned on falling in love at first sight. As soon as my butt sat in the saddle I felt at home. He was super comfortable, safe but had a lovely steady 3 paces of walk, trot and canter. I knew he would be the perfect pony for my son.

I was sold.

The big day arrived however it didn't start out as well as I had hoped. On the way out of the door as I rushed Youngling to get into the car he accidentally closed the door behind him with the keys on the inside. The keys which also had my car key attached to them. After several tearful phone calls to family members, the school office saying we were going to be late and waking my next door neighbours up for their spare key, I remembered I had some cash in my bag and so called a cab.

Not the best way to start the day!

Eventually with the help of my other next door neighbours I managed to climb over the garden fence and in through the luckily open kitchen window. After a quick snack and toilet break I was on my way with friends from the yard to pick up the newest member of our family. I couldn't wait to show Boston his new home and the lovely big bed I had made him and new accessories I had purchased in my sons favourite colour - blue.

I could barely contain my excitement as we neared our destination. I felt like my wish as an 8 year old little girl to have a pony was finally coming true.

Boston greeted us happily and loaded perfectly into the trailer. Even driving in the cab with Boston in the back was so exciting for me I almost peed my pants. It's the little things in life haha.

Having settled Boston into his new home I had to contain my little secret for a while longer as I went to pick J up from school and take him to another yard for his regular riding lesson. The plan was coming together. I went to finish the final touches at Bostons home while my mum watched Youngling loving his lesson - unbeknown to him that he had his very own horse waiting for him nearby.

All our friends came over to watch as I revealed Boston to the boy who was utterly lost for words as he walked down the isle of the stables towards a decorated stable with a Home Sweet Home card which read:

My name is Boston, I am 6 years old I have been looking for my forever friend in my forever home. Will you be my best friend and big brother? Love Boston

When I asked J if he would look after him forever all he could say was a very confused 'OK'.  It was a lovely gathering with champagne, fizz and treats for all who attended. I was so grateful they were all there to mark this momentous occasions and that they recorded it for all to see.

On the drive home J kept staring at me, wide eyed in wonder. I don't think he could process that Boston was actually his forever. When we walked into the house I was given the biggest hug ever and as he squeezed me he said thank you so much repeatedly.

Needless to say I think this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime and I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you all.


Video 1
Settling in Boston

Video 2
Surprise, Surprise!


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