The Joy of Marie - Day 104

Since we have hired a friend to help us further Boston's education by schooling him twice a week I haven't felt compelled to write much about the process.

I suppose on some level I have felt like I have let myself, Boston and J down in some way shape or form. Even though I positive that we are doing the right thing now.

J and I haven't been riding B regularly throughout this process but going forward we will be riding him more often. Particularly focussing on hacking out and letting B realise that it isn't all hard work he can have fun as well as long as he is respectful of us and our safety and visa versa.

B doesn't appear to be napping so much into the corners which is a tremendous result. He still has a long way to go especially with him putting his head down etc.

Part of my anxiety triggers are when I feel uncertain about situations. It is safe to say that I have felt really uncertain about our future with B and how we can help him settle in more etc. It is safe to say that my anxiety levels have been higher because of this.

My therapist has said that I need to concentrate on problem solving the things that I can fix now as opposed to worrying about the things that may never happen. Things that keep me awake at night like thinking about the future. These are called hypothetical worries.

Since I have been on this journey to self discovery, not only as a new pony owner but also as a mother and just me, I have realised that it is ok to take care of myself and treat myself well.

I sat down and thought about where I want to see myself in the not so distant future - an achievable goal not hypothetical.

To do this I took a look at my values and realised that while I highly rate family, parenthood, career and friends I have let my spiritual  and intimate value down. I am putting all my energy into the family, parenthood, career and friends while I don't tend to engage in my health and wellbeing, spirituality and intimacy.

I made a start to look after my health and wellbeing and to do that I invested in the help of Netflix star and international best seller Marie Kondo.

Marie Kondo is a tidying guru who gets excited by her clients mess because she can see how oppressive it is on their lives and wellbeing. Through her devised decluttering system of only keeping items which 'Spark Joy' and discarding the rest, Marie has helped thousands if not millions of people live a clutter free joyful lifestyle.

Since we moved to London two years ago, downsizing from a three bedroom house to a two bedroom house, I have been procrastinating in unpacking and sorting.

Marie Kondo inspired me to seek out the items in my life which only 'Spark Joy' and pass on those items which do not to others so they can then 'Spark Joy' for them.

The system begins with 1. Clothing followed by 2. Books, 3. Paper, 4. Komono (which is bathroom, garage and miscellaneous) and finally 5. Sentimental items.

Thus far I am at section 1. Clothing.

I followed her instructions to take EVERY SINGLE piece of clothing out of its storage and pile it onto my freshly made bed. I then picked each individual item up and felt if it made me happy/joyous or not. If it did then I put it into a keep pile. The items which didn't invoke these feelings were thanked and put gently into bin bags which I later sold on.

I tweeted about my progress thus far:

Marie has two successful books out which are avail from Amazon or from the KonMari Website.

Her website features an inspiring blog.

I did the same with J's wardrobe and was surprised at how may t-shirts that kid has acquired!

Currently I am on the putting back stage so I have ordered some drawer tidies so I can fold the clothes in the way Marie Kondo suggests - so that I can see each and every item and they are stored in small, neat parcels.

I already feel better and J said that the house is beginning to feel like a hotel, tidy, strange, but he likes it.

Now I am starting to eel more organised my therapist has suggested I take more time for me and begin dating again. It has been eight years since I became a single parent and with only one serious relationship in that time (which ended over a year ago) it will be exciting yet daunting to dive back in.

So far I have joined two dating sites. But that is for another post entirely.

What's the messiest area of your life?



Unknown said…
Kate, you and Joe are doing an amazing with Boston. He is a very lucky pony having you in his life. Keep up the good work, look after yourself and keep on folding those clothes :)
Thank you so much. I cannot wait to show you the progress we have made with both Boston and the folding ;-) K xx

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