Progress Report - Day 111

This week has been a really positive week for the KJB clan :-)

Not only is the house starting to take shape - well my bedroom and J's clothes pile thus far.

When you have a landlord inspection and throw everything in the wardrobe!

Starting to look more organised.
Thank you Marie Kondo for sparking joy in my life :-)

I have spent time and energy passing on the items which I no longer have use for and now things are staring to look more organised.

When talking to my mother about life as a single parent she once laughed and said "how do I expect to have someone move in with me when there isn't even room". Hopefully this is the start of good things to come.

It's not only at home that things are moving forward. Things appear to have been improving at the yard too.

Schooling Boston twice a week has proved to be just what he needed. Don't get me wrong we are a long way off being where we want him to be but I think we are making a little progress.

J rode B for the first time in two weeks and B didn't nap once to the corners/fence. He was quite forward - at a pace which J usually struggles to get him into seemed to come naturally to him. He didn't try and break J's leg by barging into the fence and he didn't kick through any fences either.


J practising his racing pose in his racing goggles he got last birthday.

Completely at ease with each other :-)

B did try to put his head down a few times and I think I can see why. J tends to hold him quite tight on the reins which is how he has been taught to do through the riding school. I am trying to encourage him to have contact but to let his hands forward.

It's harder than it sounds.

J is trying really hard to use his legs more for steering and gears while remaining balanced and forward going.

He will get there in time but in the meantime B needs to learn that he cannot get away with taking the micky with J.

Or me for that matter.

He has been slightly nippy with me of late.

What ever happened to don't bite the hand that feeds you?

The story of my life with guys in one photo!
Me - Smiling even mid storm.
Him - Masked in a cute face about to bite me on the ass!

On the plus side B is still allowing me to pick all four feet up (whoop whoop) and he is improving with his behaviour in the stable when our new vet comes to visit.

This weather has been playing havock with the equines. Not to mention the state of the stable!

I have had to close the stable doors for the wind is blowing all of B's bedding out. It's driving me mad and I like him to be able to look out. Luckily there is great airflow from open doors and the stalls opposite are open as they aren't in the direct line of the blustery wind.

When the top door keeps banging open and you have to improvise to make an inside latch!
I put B out in the sand paddock to play with his friend and as the sun was shining I put him out naked. He whinnied a few times when there was a gust of wind - I think it ruffled his feathers so to speak as he is clipped. Either that or he saw me take his feed bucked to be refilled - which is more than likely.

Last week he lost a rug in the field.

Apparently it blew off in the wind which is ok as he didn't seem too bothered but what upset me a little is that his leg straps hadn't been put on properly and when others fetched their ponies in from the field they didn't think to put the rug on (or tell me) that he was naked. Being only one of two ponies out there without a rug and being the only clipped pony you'd think someone would put his best interest first. I know I would.

Alas he was cold when I got him in but I soon warmed him up and he appeared grateful to me for once.

How does the weather affect your four legged friends?



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