Well that was eventful - Day 167

What was supposed to be a calm and casual hack turned out to be a panic stricken marathon at the speed of lightening. If Usane Bolt could have seen me run!

The day started off calming with a lovely lie in and breakfast with the boy before we headed to the yard.

It was my favourite time to arrive, quiet time. Hardly anyone was there which meant it was calm and serene while we hand grazed B and J was focussed soley on his pony instead of playing. Don't get me wrong I'm all for children playing, especially outdoors, but as I was taught growing up 'chores come first'.

While B munched with all his might J and I attempted to trim his whispies - stray long pieces of hair.

J was doing such a fab job and said he felt like a hairdresser so I'm not sure why he passed on the scissors to me. I tried my hardest but in any case I think I will need to tend to it over the coming week.  What do you think? Any advice?

See how far they have come? B is now even letting J plait his tail (not bad for a first attempt) and pick his feet which helps me out tremendously.

Just before a passing shower approached I reminded J how to keep his saddle leathers clean and conditioned. Then we tacked up and headed out on our usual hack. B was already playing up before we left the yard. I don't know what was up with him or different today as he really didn't fancy going.

I put him on what J calls ' the lead of shame' and led him through the woods which made him behave a bit better. Later on I have the end of the rope to J to trick B into thinking I still had hold of it which actually worked 😂 I have no idea how or why but he was forward going thereafter.

Coming to walk after a little trot to let a runner pass by I said that J could take him for another trot and canter if he felt comfortable doing so. I am used to running along behind him so I can keep an eye on him.

Well blow me down with a feather B had other ideas today.

B decided to take J on a little jolly and cantered quickly into a gallop where there is a sign which specifically says no galloping.

I ran as fast as I could and called after J.

He was out of sight.

Thinking he must have come to a halt around the next bend I slowed slightly trying to catch my breath!

He was no where to be seen.

Nor was B!

Realising they must still be together in one way or other I began to relax if only momentarily.

That was until I realised B must be heading home!

Home is across the busiest road ever!

I stumbled across the road worrying about what I would do next if they weren't there when someone came and said they'd tried to message me to tell me he was safe.

Snapping slightly I rushed to see him around by our shed that was where I heard him cry out "somebody PLEASE please help me".

As soon as he saw me he ran into my arms.

Red eyed and tear stained cheeks nuzzled into me.

He told me how he slowed B down in the woods and dismounted trying to turn him back around to come back to me. Once he turned him he mounted from the ground (something he struggles with and I advise not to do usually).

With one foot in the stirrup B took off again as J swung his other leg over.

He sobbed that he didn't know the way home but B led him back.

He assured me he had checked  that there weren't any cars coming before crossing the road and how he had asked someone to contact me as soon as he got onto the yard to let me know he was safe!

My 10 year old!

Not only did he manage to stay on his pony but he managed to him them both back home safely and he tied him and started to untack him.

I am so proud.

I can now breath normally again.

Today is something I don't want to relive again any time soon. But if and when it happens again I know my son will ride well and is mature enough to ask for help. Plus I've promised I will get him a phone bow so he can call me in an emergency. I wonder if it was all a ploy to get me to say that?

Have a great weekend.



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