
Showing posts from November, 2018

First Day Out - Day 4

Today is Boston's first day out with the smaller herd. It feels like I'm watching my child go to nursery for the first time. My eyes welled up when someone from the yard sent me this video of him as he stepped out into the field with his new friends for the very first time. You make mumma proud gorgeous boy. Enjoy. KJB xx

Inoculations, Farrier and fun on - Day 3

Day three of owning our own pony and I couldn't be prouder of my little fur baby. Let me tell you how the day started. As I openly suffer from anxiety this morning I woke up not to so similar to many mornings. Shaking on the inside for no apparent reason. Dreading going outside and fearing staying inside. Why? Goodness knows. It's a feeling I try to ignore and distract myself from so I don't have to think about it. Yet that's all I seem to do is think about it. I took J to school with my barely brushed hair and no makeup and prayed no one would talk to me as I yawned my way onto the playground. Even J was snuggling up to be for a while until he saw a friend or two and began talking about 'his horse' Boston. By all accounts he didn't stop talking about him all day as J appeared distracted in class. Oops. Having dropped J at school I headed home to sit down to enjoy a nice cup of tea and relax when I get a phone call from the friendly vet at the RVC wh

Bringing Boston Home - Day 0

Remember that feeling as a child on the eve before Christmas where you can't sleep for the excitement and nerves of the surprises that await you in the morning? That's exactly how I felt the night before last, however this surprise wasn't for me. This surprise was for my 9 year old son aka J. I had kept my lips firmly shut for the past two weeks as I had to pretend that I hadn't found the perfect little pony for him and that he wasn't finally getting his dreams answered. That's in fact exactly what I had done. We thought we weren't having much luck looking for the 'right' horse for us. I had my heart set on finding a horse big enough to carry my height (*coughs* and weight *coughs*) that is forward going enough to have progressive potential, old enough to know what its doing and young enough to have many years of fun but safe enough for both a 9 year old and an almost 35 year old. Not that I want too much or anything! When I came across the a

Vet Check - Pre-Purchase

Before you buy a car, used or new, you would get it checked over by a mechanic right? You would need to get an M.O.T and ensure it is in great working condition, safe and secure etc. Its the same with animals, pets, or working animals for farms etc. Last week a found the love of my life and I would really like to bring him into my sons life but before I do that I need to make sure he good enough to bring home. I am talking about Boston. He is a beautiful bay Irish Cob Gelding who is only 6 years old. Totally new territory for me to own our own equine companion I have called in the advice of the RVC - The Royal Veterinary College - to perform a 5 stage vetting on him to ensure there are no visible and invisible lumps and bumps or issues which may crop up at a later date. Sadly I had to work at the yard 8.30-6pm on the day as I had originally planned to be there during the examination two days prior. I have never been so distracted. I felt like my baby was taking a real e

K.J.B. Pony Adventures

Welcome to K.J.B. Pony Adventures a personal and equestrian lifestyle blog about me K, a qualified teacher, single mother to J and part time stable hand, blogging and vlogging about life with our newest family member Boston aka B. J is currently nine years old and has been horse riding for almost two years. J has been identified as having additional needs ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and sensory processing issues. Boston is a six year old, bay, 14hh (roughly), Irish Cob Gelding and is out first pony although we have shared and loaned before. I grew up with a family who loved animals and one family member in particular who had a small holding in Shropshire. There I shared a donkey with my cousins but being 5ft 7 from the age of 11 I tended to ride the horses instead. During our visits to the farm we spent time doing daily chores for the equines, cows and sheep, chickens and generally running away from the geese. We all sat around the table tending to the baby bunnies and curling up w